

Everything is Arutam, an all-embracing eternal Great Perfection in its pure delight. It is immutable. It only lies in its own grace, without feeling the passage of time. Perfection can only express admirable art and beauty, in such a way that our mind caresses all of existence, singing with the passion of life. Its truth captivates towards a world that is full of miracles, whose mysteries are understood in the haven of Spirit. Being awakened to everything, feeling the world, moved by instinct, is the only thing for which we have been prepared since we were born. There is nothing to add, nothing to replace the great richness of being Everything.

Shamanism emerges later, in need of pain. Some beings renounce the Union in Arutam and start to suffer. Life abandons them, and this is how disease is settled in their predatory dark forces, until it takes the place of the Sacred Touch's bliss. The Shamans (Uwishin), who lived attached to Life, try to bring back that memory. Deep incantations and music bring the darkened consciousness back to Life. Life must return, the Sacred Touch must remind the body of the harmony that the world has lost in order to heal and rest in peace. Love can be experienced only by feeling the world as our own skin.

The way of Uwishin is one of the areas of the ancient sacred art of Shamanism. A place, a time, an experience, an inheritance, an art, some plants, some means, some instruments ... this is the elegance of the ancient men from the people of the Cascades and their white arts, engaged to protect and honor Life.

chamanismo que es

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